Specialized Education
Clinical hypnosis for pain, sleep, and psychosomatic disorders
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia
Sleep Disorders
Mindfulness meditation
Psychological management of chronic pain
Substance abuse disorders/12 step model
Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) using hypnosis
My first exposure to the study of sleep medicine was in 1970 when in graduate school. At that time, there weren't any sleep disorder clinics but we had some ideas about sleep, it's nature and purpose, and what happens when we are sleep deprived. That was it. Since, our knowledge has expanded considerably and now there are approximately 1500 accredited sleep disorder clinics nationwide. Though the field is still in its infancy, our knowledge about sleep has grown considerably. I have been affiliated with an accredited sleep disorder center at Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center since 1990. Our center evaluates all sleep complaints using overnight polysomnograms in most, but not all, cases and is staff by physicians who specialize and are board certified in sleep medicine. Not only do we evaluate adult sleep problems, we also have the capacity to assess and treat pediatric sleep problems as well. Our pediatrician is board certified in sleep medicine. You can contact the sleep center at http://www.pvhmc.org/Sleep-Disorders/Introduction.asp
Clinical hypnosis for pain, sleep, and psychosomatic disorders
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia
Sleep Disorders
Mindfulness meditation
Psychological management of chronic pain
Substance abuse disorders/12 step model
Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) using hypnosis
My first exposure to the study of sleep medicine was in 1970 when in graduate school. At that time, there weren't any sleep disorder clinics but we had some ideas about sleep, it's nature and purpose, and what happens when we are sleep deprived. That was it. Since, our knowledge has expanded considerably and now there are approximately 1500 accredited sleep disorder clinics nationwide. Though the field is still in its infancy, our knowledge about sleep has grown considerably. I have been affiliated with an accredited sleep disorder center at Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center since 1990. Our center evaluates all sleep complaints using overnight polysomnograms in most, but not all, cases and is staff by physicians who specialize and are board certified in sleep medicine. Not only do we evaluate adult sleep problems, we also have the capacity to assess and treat pediatric sleep problems as well. Our pediatrician is board certified in sleep medicine. You can contact the sleep center at http://www.pvhmc.org/Sleep-Disorders/Introduction.asp