Insomnia Stories

I've given many lectures and workshops on sleep, sleep disorders, and assessment and treatment of insomnia. Throughout, I'm always fascinated with the successful remedies for insomnia people offer. These wonderful solutions can never be found in a text and are definitely not provided by clinical professionals, even ones like myself who specialize in this treatment. People are very creative in their pursuits to sleep better. People from very diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds have remedies that are passed down within their ancestral lineage; remedies never to be found in written form, anywhere.
Insomnia Stories is your opportunity to write me at [email protected] a no more than 250 word description of your creative solution for improving your chronic insomnia and sleeping better. Upon reviewing it, if I feel it would be appropriate and helpful for this section, I will publish it here anonymously, of course, so that others can refer to it for help. Thanks for the courage to share your experience and help someone else seek a better night's sleep. Literally, millions of people could use it.
Insomnia Stories is your opportunity to write me at [email protected] a no more than 250 word description of your creative solution for improving your chronic insomnia and sleeping better. Upon reviewing it, if I feel it would be appropriate and helpful for this section, I will publish it here anonymously, of course, so that others can refer to it for help. Thanks for the courage to share your experience and help someone else seek a better night's sleep. Literally, millions of people could use it.